Hao Yang

美 ['heɪɒ jæŋ]英 ['heɪɒ jæŋ]
  • 网络郝阳;杨昊;杨皓;羊浩
Hao YangHao Yang
  1. Hao Yang of the China Red Ribbon Foundation over the past year in the national AIDS prevention and control work highly .


  2. Hao Yang said that despite China in the fight against AIDS has made great progress , but still faces great challenges .


  3. " The coming campaigns will help address those gaps to finally eliminate the disease in the country ," said Hao Yang , deputy director of the Ministry of Health 's disease prevention and control bureau .


  4. LUO Cong-yan , a famous philosopher of the North Song Dynasty , inherited the thoughts of CHENG Yi , CHENG Hao and YANG Shi , which were characterized by strong reality and criticism .


  5. Yang Hong interrogated in light of this that Manager Hao said unexpectedly looked Yang Hong does not look like the ordinary consumer .
